
Company News

The Pride of Zhende | Meng Hongjuan, the Director of the Mask Manufacturing Workshop of Shaoxing Factory, Was Elected as a Deputy to the 14th National People's Congress!

In the afternoon of January 15, the Third Plenary Meeting of the First Session of the 14th People's Congress of Zhejiang Province was held, and 99 deputies to the 14th National People's Congress were elected in Zhejiang according to law. Five people in Shaoxing were elected, including Meng Hongjuan, the Director of the Mask Manufacturing Workshop of Zhende Medical Shaoxing Factory.

Meng Hongjuan, born in 1973 in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, the masses, is now the Director of the Third Workshop of Zhende Medical Co., Ltd. Shaoxing Factory. She is a model worker in Shaoxing City, and won the May Day Labor Medal of Shaoxing City in 2020.

Since 1999, she has been accompanying Zhende for over 20 years...

From an inconspicuous employee to the current workshop director, Meng Hongjuan devoted herself wholeheartedly to every position, dedicated and selfless, completing her work "well" and fulfilling the "responsibility" with her meticulous and selfless working attitude.

Those who work diligently and hardly will be skilled, while those who work diligently and skillfully are skilled in making

In 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19, Meng Hongjuan immediately carried out preparations in the workshop. The arrival of the Spring Festival and the shortage of the masks and other epidemic prevention supplies have made the busy work more difficult, and it is normal for shuttling between companies and families...

At that time, it was during the Spring Festival holiday, although there were already many employees who gave up reuniting with their families and joined, the personnel shortage was the biggest problem at that time due to a shortage of supplies in the epidemic area, a large amount of required supplies, heavy tasks, and tight schedule.

Since the Lunar New Year's Eve, Meng Hongjuan has been making phone calls, constantly communicating with non-local employees who have already returned home for the Spring Festival to help them solve the problem of returning to work caused by the lockdown of cities and villages, as well as the problem of new personnel being unfamiliar with production.

"This epidemic is more severe than SARS, and many people cannot buy masks... come back early."

"Xiao Zhang, I won't call you unless absolutely compelled, but the mechanic is away, and the mask production is insufficient. You need to determine a time and we will book your flight."

As more than 90% of the employees in the Mask Manufacturing Workshop are non-local employees, on the Lunar New Year's Eve, Meng Hongjuan called until the early morning and her voice became hoarse.  


 Company employees returned to work by charter flight 

"Under such a shortage of masks, the workshop produced day and night. Due to the allocation of management personnel, sometimes employees even work overtime continuously, switching back and forth between day and night shifts. I want to do my best to effectively operate the workshop." Meng Hongjuan said, recalling that time, her biggest feeling was the rhythm measured in seconds, and that eating and sleeping were a waste of time.

Although it was very difficult, Meng Hongjuan felt that everything was worth it as the boxes of medical masks were packed and sent to the country, medical staff, and frontline anti-epidemic personnel under the all-round production of the workshop. 

Full support from family 

At the beginning of 2020, the mobile phone became the "family" of Meng Hongjuan. She is either making a phone call or sending a WeChat message. The content is not to wish her relatives and friends a Happy Spring Festival, but to communicate with over 100 employees in the Mask Manufacturing Workshop and ask them to hurry back to Zhende as soon as possible. 


 Meng Hongjuan is in the workshop 

On that day, Meng Hongjuan did not arrive home until after 9:00 p.m. as usual, and her family had already finished their meal. As soon as she entered, she sat at the dining table and made a phone call. When her son Meng Taojie brought the hot food in the pot, she couldn't help but praise him a few words, saying that after everything settles down, she would definitely cook a big meal to reward the whole family. However, she was so tired that she fell asleep before she picked up her rice bowl.

Meng Taojie didn't disturb her. He bent down to pick up her mobile phone and saw that the screen had broken. He hesitated for a moment and gently placed it back on the table.

With the acceleration of resumption of work and production nationwide, the demand for masks has sharply increased. With the increased  pressure of prevention and control and production tasks, the number of Zhende Medical frontline mask production employees has increased from over 100 to over 500. In order to better and faster meet the needs of epidemic prevention and control, and support the "anti-epidemic" personnel, from early January to May 2020, Meng Hongjuan constantly coordinated workshop production and staff positions without a rest day.

At around 9:00 p.m. on May 10, Meng Hongjuan went back home tired out. She saw a new mobile phone on the table, with a pink note reading: "Happy Mother's Day!" Upon hearing the sound of opening the door, her husband, daughter, and son walked together in front of her, and they hugged tightly together .

It's both a company and a home

Although she is busy and tired every day, Meng Hongjuan still sighs the "thrilling" days with emotion and is still full of pride. It is the pride of an old employee who has gone through more than 20 years of ups and downs with Zhende...

"In the autumn of 2010, I was sick in hospital and went through a difficult period. However, scenes of struggling with everyone in Zhende flashed through my mind, becoming the most favorable weapon for me to get through that period and promoting me to better and faster engage in work after recovery." Meng Hongjuan said.

Meng Hongjuan stuck to her post with the screw spirit. Whether it was the worst time of SARS in 2003 or the global epidemic caused by COVID-19, she always stuck to the front line, devoted all her energy and time to her work, and won unanimous recognition from leaders, colleagues and the outside world. In 2020, Meng Hongjuan won the May Day Labor Medal of Shaoxing City.

Regarding her first election as a deputy to the National People's Congress, Meng Hongjuan said: "Being elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress not only affirms and inspires my personal work, but also inspires me, which implies more responsibility."

In the future, there will be more people like Meng Hongjuan who dare to assume the responsibility and give part of yourself away, do practical work, take the initiative to undertake tasks, silently dedicate themselves to their positions, and work hard and move forward bravely in the era of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

There is a new blueprint and a new journey. Go for it. Become a "soldier" with firm confidence in progress!