
Media Report

Embrace the Era and Lead in Healthcare

“You have played a pivotal role in the most critical moment of epidemic prevention and control and made significant contribution to the control of the overall epidemic situation of Zhejiang and China at large,” said Yuan Jiajun, governor of Zhejiang Province, when he met with Ma Weiguang, secretary of the Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee and Sheng Yuechun, mayor of Shaoxing, to inspect the work resumption and production of medical supplies at the company in the afternoon of February 17, 2020. 


Chairman Lu reported on the production of medical supplies and told the government leaders present that the company had been recruiting workers for the production line and expanding channels for the supply of raw materials, thanks to which the company would be able to further increase its production capacity. According to Chairman Lu, Zhende had launched a recruitment campaign in many provinces and cities of China and had arranged buses for transporting employees returning to Shaoxing to ensure their safety on the way back to work. Upon arrival, the returnees went into quarantine for 14 days before they resumed work. To ensure that employees that were in quarantine stay healthy and safe, the company designated people to take care of their food and other daily necessities and conduct thorough sanitization of the living quarters and production area, and allowed employees to start working without worrying about their safety. Chairman Lu also expressed appreciation for the support of government agencies in materials allocating and transportation for the company during that special period.      



At the mask production workshop, Governor Yuan asked about the suppliers of raw materials, price, production progress and work resumption. He spoke highly of the work efficiency at the production line and the diligent work and significant contribution of Zhende’s employees since the outbreak. 


As companies resumed work one after another, masks and other medical supplies were still much needed in Zhejiang and were the priority among priorities. At the subsequent meeting, Governor Yuan pointed out that a small mask is of critical importance to people’s livelihood for the time being. During the special period of epidemic prevention and control, mask is a daily necessity and is essential for health, safety and happiness. Governor Yuan encouraged Zhende to continue to race against time and organize and deploy production effectively to further unleash the production potential of the company while ensuring the health and safety of the employees.  


Chairman Lu said that the company would follow the instructions of Governor Yuan and make production of anti-epidemic materials the top priority of the company and mobilize all resources available to ensure adequate supply of anti-epidemic materials. According to Chairman Lu, Zhende will also step up production of protective clothing and other materials while ensuring the mask production capacity.

Though epidemic prevention and control has made progress in Zhejiang, changes and new challenges are also arising. The epidemic situation may even worsen with the arrival of the peak season for workers returning to work and students returning to school. Under the circumstances, Zhende will keep close watch on the epidemic situation, clarify the work focuses, increase production capacity, take specific epidemic prevention and control measures and ensure smooth production and effective epidemic prevention and control.