
COVID-19 News

Zhende Donated Medical Supplies to Ethiopia, an Ally of China in the Belt and Road Initiative

The COVID-19 pandemic has broken out and spread rapidly in many countries recently. On March 20, Zhende responded to the Belt and Road Initiative and donated protective clothing, N95 masks and other medical supplies to Ethiopia.



On March 19, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention held the Fourth Press Conference on Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. John Nkengasong, director of the center, briefed on the severe epidemic situation of Africa and urged African countries to get prepared for epidemic prevention and control as the number of African countries with confirmed cases has increased sharply recently. 


Ethiopia has a population of more than 100 million. In recent years, Ethiopia has actively responded to the Belt and Road Initiative to build a community with a shared future for mankind and has become the fastest growing agricultural and industrial country in Africa.

Since the first confirmed COVID-19 case in Ethiopia on March 13, a total of 9 cases have been reported by March 20. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali said on the 20th that to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, Ethiopian Airlines will suspend flights to 30 countries from the 20th.