
COVID-19 News

Zhende Donated Surgical Masks and Other Anti-epidemic Supplies to the Shaoxing Red Cross Society in Response to the One-Day Donation Initiative

In response to the call of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of Shaoxing for the One Day Donation Initiative in 2021, Zhende donated more than RMB 1 million worth of medical supplies to the Shaoxing Red Cross Society on September 15.


“As a local company of Shaoxing, we felt obligated to offer a helping hand to people affected by the epidemic in Yingshan County, Hubei Province,” said Lu Jianguo, chairman of Zhende.

Hu Min, deputy mayor of the municipal government and Hua Jun, executive vice president of the Shaoxing Red Cross Society, attended the donation ceremony and presented a donation certificate to Zhende. Hu expressed appreciation to Zhende for supporting the One Day Donation initiative and the epidemic prevention and control in Yingshan County, Hubei Province.

“The generous support of Zhende is a demonstration of the company’s determination to fight the epidemic and contribute to social development and public wellbeing,” said Hu.

Zhende has donated more than 480,000 pieces of medical supplies for hospital and household use, including surgical masks and hand sanitizers that are worth of more than RMB 1 million. At the end of the donation ceremony, the donated materials were immediately sent to Yingshan County, Hubei Province by specially designated vehicles to support the local epidemic prevention and control.

Over the past five years, Zhende has donated a total of RMB 4 million in funds and nearly RMB 17 million worth of medical supplies, for which the company was presented the Outstanding Charitable Contributions to Shaoxing Award.

While focusing on main businesses and developing core competency, Zhende has been actively engaged in public welfare programs and social development and has established itself as a reputed brand. Meanwhile, the company has actively popularized CSR among employees, encouraged them to contribute back to the society, organized volunteers for public welfare programs on regular terms and delivered thoughtful, detail-oriented service.

In the future, Zhende will forge ahead steadfastly, keep innovation going, fulfill its social responsibility, contribute to the society and strive to create a better life for all.