
COVID-19 News

Zhende Supports Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games

The Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics

Summary and Commendation Meeting

kicked off in the Great Hall of the People

in the morning of April 8. 

Many Winter Olympic and Winter Paralympic champions attended the ceremony. Although everyone present had to wear a mask because of the epidemic, the meeting was held in a lively atmosphere.


 Zhende Protects Guests Present

Pictures from CCTV News

At the meeting, the  operating team of the National Speed Skating Stadium and other 148 teams were named to the Outstanding Group for Contribution to the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. Su Yiming and other 147 Olympic champions were named as Outstanding Individuals for Contributing to the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. Wu Dajing, Zhang Yimou, Sui Wenjing and other representatives were presented with awards.


 Pictures from People’s Daily

Eileen Gu didn’t expect that her love for meat pie would be mentioned. When the camera turned to her, she smiled shyly under a mask.   


Pictures from CCTV News

The Chinese sports delegation participated in all the competitions for the first time and had the best ever performance in history with 15 medals including 9 gold medals in the Winter Olympics as well as 61 medals including 18 gold medals in the Winter Paralympics Games.

Chinese athletes and coaches won gold medals and honors for China through open, fair and characteristic competition. They offered the best interpretation of the spirt of Olympics and Chinese sports and promoted the spiritual civilization of China. 


 Pictures from CCTV News

President Xi Jinping remarked, “precise and effective epidemic prevention and control ensured that the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics go on safely and smoothly. As the event was held during the COVID-19 pandemic, we put the health of all participants first and prevented imported COVID-19 cases and rebound in indigenous cases through strict implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures to safeguard the health of all parties concerned.”


△ Pictures from “Zhende Protects Healthcare Workers”

A great undertaking gives birth to great spirit, which in turn spurs the great undertaking to further progress. The success of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics has boosted the morale of the Chinese people and also demonstrated to the world the power of China. We shall carry forward the spirit of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and forge ahead more confidently an steadfastly to achieve the goals of the second centenary and realize the Chinese dream of rejuvenating the Chinese nation.