
Company News

Zhende Won the Title of "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise in 2022"!

Recently, the China National Intellectual Property Administration released the evaluation results of "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprises in 2022". At the end of the publicity period, Zhende Medical Co., LTD has been recognized as a "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise" through the early enterprise evaluation, recommendation and reporting, review and confirmation and other procedures. 


Link: http://www.cnipa.gov.cn/art/2022/9/23/art_75_178970.html

"National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprises" are a group of demonstration enterprises with industrial influence and benchmarking greatly cultivated by the country that have the strategic management idea of intellectual property, the ability to create, use, protect and manage intellectual property, and the outstanding comprehensive competitive advantages of intellectual property.

As a leading supplier of medical care and protective equipment in China, Zhende has certain influence in the industry. It has always adhered to independent innovation and paid attention to intellectual property protection. Up to now, it has obtained 638 authorized patents, including 47 invention patents, 500 utility model patents and 91 appearance patents. 


This honor represents the full recognition of Zhende's intellectual property management work. In the future, Zhende will seize the opportunity of being selected as a national intellectual property demonstration enterprise to constantly increase investment in intellectual property, optimize and innovate, actively layout, and improve the core competitiveness of products, bringing healthy life within reach!